Thursday, August 16, 2012

Slacky McSlackerson

Not only am I a procrastinator, but I’m also a slacker.  A procrastinating slacker….pretty pathetic, eh?  Especially when you are a blogger who lives forever away from all family members who, therefore, rely on said blog to keep up with your fun lively activities.  *sigh*

If you know me, you know I’m not just a slacker but also a singer.  I didn’t say I was a good one (keep that at the forefront of your mind for the rest of this blog post, please).  But I do have the tendency to make up my own words to song tunes to describe either what I’m doing or thinking at the time.  It’s weird, I know.  But it’s genetic, so blame my dad.  :)

My dad and I aren’t the only ones in the world who do it either.  See:
 Mine is a little better (so I claim) because it uses an actual song’s tune…and sometimes I even try to rhyme.  But alas, it at least gives you a picture of the lame-ness factor.

That being said, here’s a little ditty going around my head as I write about being a slacker.  Please note it is to the tune of ‘Frère Jacques’.  Haha

I’m a slacker. I’m a slacker.
It’s so bad. It’s so bad.
I need to blog.  I need to blog.
Please help me.  Don't be mad.

Yeah, like I said…I’m not good.  Deal.

Even without internet in my current apartment, I’m gonna try to get as caught up as possible.  Here’s to optimistic thinking….  *CHEERS*

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