Sunday, August 26, 2012

Grand Canyon - hiking and photos

The next morning we woke up early so we could make the most of our day there.  Overnight it had snowed even more.  We found this on our door overhang.
It was even colder than the day before.  We had to buy Blair a hat from the lodge store!  Luckily the sweater I bought at Walmart the day before had a hood…which definitely was used on multiple occasions that day.
We wanted to see “The Abyss” and several other awesome viewpoints along the top, so we headed out for a hike and a photo extravaganza.   My mom is gonna kill me for this one. 
We walked part of it, and took the bus for part of it.  I’m so very thankful they had a bus running because a) it was frickin’ cold, and b) my foot was still really hurting from the fall in Hawaii that I didn’t yet know was actually torn tendons.  Thank you Lord for the bus!
It had lots of stops all along the top ridge.  We got out on most of them to take pictures.  :)
One of the stops was Powell Point.  Major John Wesley Powell was the first explorer of the Grand Canyon who descended the river in row boats in the gorge beneath the Point.  Gorgeous view!
We wanted to get a few shots of the river, considering that’s what Powell was known for. 
I loved how craggy and rough everything was!
 And all the different layers.
Such a pretty view.
Awww. :)
At the tip of where the buses went was a place called Hermit’s Rest. 
They sold hot chocolate and souvenirs.  The hot chocolate was sooooo good.
We made a friend.
I thought it was really awesome that this sign was displayed at a National Park.
One last picture in snowy weather.
What a great birthday trip!! 

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