Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hawaii - Misc

As the last post in the Hawaii series, I wanted to simply include some of the miscellaneous things we experienced.  (all of these photos were taken with my iPhone, so they aren’t nearly as good a quality.  Sorry) 

One of the main reasons we went to Hawaii was to meet our newest nephew, Asher.  He was born one month before we arrived, and he was SUPER cute.  He pretty much slept the entire time we were there. 
Uncle Blair naps with Asher.

Another day we went to eat Snow Ice. 
It’s VERY different than anything I’d ever had before.  I went in thinking that it was going to be similar to shave ice…or maybe ice cream.  But, it wasn’t.  It was SUPER tasty. 
The “snow ice” part actually looked like pulled pork, to me.  But it melted in your mouth like ice cream.

Another day we went to Coco Ichibanya!  Blair and I had enjoyed this yummy curry while in Okinawa.  It’s one of the favourite restaurants of most of the Americans (and Okinawans) on the island…and it’s a flavor we have definitely missed.  So we made a special trip out to get some.
And it didn’t disappoint.

The cool thing was, when we arrived at the mall for the Coco’s experience, we just happened upon a Japanese food festival in another store.   We bought so many fun things that we remembered from Okinawa, like lychee/ melon drinks, and Andagi (little doughnut puffs that they sold in Kokosai Dori).
On our flight back home, Blair told the flight attendant that we had just recently gotten married (at this point, we’d been married 3 months) and she brought us free champagne!  It was good!
I turned mine into a mimosa.  :)

Thanks, Teresa and Clayton, for hosting us and showing us around the island!  It was SO fun getting to meet Asher, and hanging out with all of you for a week.  Love you!

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