Friday, May 20, 2011


One of Blair's friends (actually, it's a married couple that he knew in college and is stationed here too) is in a long training out of state.  Their dog, Sadie, is making the rounds with their friends to take care of her while they are gone.  So, we got a few fun days with her while I was visiting!

She's a cute Shih-Tzu.  Young, full of energy, not entirely potty trained (but definitely a lot closer to fully potty trained when she left us), and a major cuddler.

She's playing with my foot. :)
She loved being loved on. She couldn't get enough attention.
She would roll over and "ask" you to rub her belly.
Even if I wasn't touching her, she wanted to be close, so she would snuggle up and nap on my toes.
Ain't she cute?  :)  She kinda made me think about getting a pet soon after marriage.  We'll see how that works out....

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