Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wedding - Part 2 "Wedding Party"

Our beautiful chapel!
All the bridesmaids - Nancy, Lindsay, Teresa, me, Mary and Jessica
 Bridesmaids plus the super cute flower girl, Autumn
Me with my BEAUTIFUL sisters, Teresa and Mary
All the groomsmen - Rob, Justin, Blair, Eric and Clayton
Love this picture of Blair and Eric!
The whole wedding party!
With my parents
With the original 5 Cutters and my grandma
Me and Momma :)
Brother-in-law Clayton, sister Teresa, niece Autumn, mom Susan, nephew Marc-Andre, Me, nephew Josef, sister Mary, nephew Luc, nephew Mathieu, brother-in-law Rob, and dad Jim
Blair's family:  brother Justin, mom Catherine, Blair, Sarah, dad Monty, and sister Nancy
Us with our dads / officiants
My with my ring-bearers and flower girl: nephews Marc-Andre, Luc and niece Autumn
All the marrieds kids of my family :)
Just us :)
and our awesome wedding feet
Fancy Mt. Rainier and Plane Display pictures

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