Thursday, September 15, 2011

Honeymoon - Part 3

Another day, we decided to go into Mt. Rainier National Park for a hike.
Of course, we stopped all along the way to get pictures, even before we got to our hiking trail.
It was such an amazingly gorgeous day.  I honestly think it was the prettiest of the whole honeymoon week.
We finally got to the trail!  It was to take us to the Nisqually Glacier overlook. 
It was supposed to be a really easy hike, but it turned out to be covered in about 10-20 feet of snow over the whole trail.  That made for an interesting hike indeed.
Isn't it breath-takingly gorgeous!?!?
Our feet were soaking wet from digging our tennis shoes into the snow.  But it was such a nice day that we weren't cold at all.
After our hike we drove around the park for quite a while.  And we happened upon a friendly fox.
He even sat down to pose for me.  How kind.
On our way a little farther we came across a tall bank of snow on the side of the road. Naturally, we HAD to carve our names in it.
On the way back to the cabin after our hike, we found this powerful waterfall.  We probably weren't really supposed to go walking around down by it, but it was fun.  COLD there because of the mist of the water, but fun.

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